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Pointclouds are the basis of our 3D laser scanning services. A point cloud consists of millions of individual points, each representing a specific coordinate in space. These points are registered by the laser scanner and together form a highly accurate digital representation of the scanned object or area.

Not familiar with working with point clouds? Please feel free to contact us; we will be happy to guide you in integrating them into your workflow.

Navigation and Analysis

Using our 3D viewers, you can navigate, measure and analyze the point cloud without the need for specialized software. This makes it easy to explore the scanned environment and gain important insights.

Resolution and Detail

The density of the point cloud determines the resolution and level of detail of the scan. Our advanced scanners can create point clouds with very high density, revealing even the smallest details.

File Formats and Software

At Real Visuals, we provide point clouds in the most common formats to ensure that you can easily use them in your own workflows.

  • Recap (.rcp, .rcs): this is a common format compatible with Autodesk software, such as AutoCAD and Revit. It allows you to seamlessly integrate the point cloud into your design and modeling tools.
  • .e57: this open standard format is widely accepted and can be used in various types of software for further processing and analysis.
  • custom: point clouds can also be delivered in a format of your choice. Please contact us about this.


Point clouds can be imported into CAD software for further editing and design. They are ideal for creating accurate construction drawings, 3D models and orthophotos.

From Point Clouds to Orthophotos

For users wishing to generate orthophotos from point clouds, we also offer the ability to receive the data in special software designed to process point clouds. We can therefore offer a wide range of orthophotos for 2D drawings, including floor plans, sections and facades.

  • Orthophotos: You can generate accurate and scalable orthophotos that are perfect for detailed analysis and reporting.
An overview of our services


Scanning as a service   |   Our scanners   |   Photogrammetry   |   Pointclouds   |   3D viewers

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  • detailing according to your project needs
  • TAW compliant
  • professional template
  • in-house expertise
  • orthophotography

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  • detailing according to your project needs
  • from existing drawings or point cloud
  • BIM-ready

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  • video’s and animations
  • rendering
  • pointcloud art
  • 3D printing
  • app design

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  • your drawing work in the desired projection system
  • drone measurement

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  • monitoring
  • discrepancies detection

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Your house in 2D and 3D

  • accurate, fast and metrically correct
  • instantly usable by architects and building professionals

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